
Cognitive and affective perceptions of energy prices, supply risk, and climate change consequences

Auteur Manon GOUIRAN
Directeur /trice Tobias Brosch
Co-directeur(s) /trice(s) Corinne Moser
Résumé de la thèse

The transition towards a low-carbon energy system necessitates not

only technological advancements, but also citizen involvement and

commitment. This project aims to investigate the psychological factors

that shape energy consumer preferences and behaviours in the context

of escalating energy prices, supply risks, and heightened climate change

awareness. A longitudinal citizen panel will be established to explore the

relationships between cognitive and affective perceptions of energy

prices, supply risks, and climate change, and to investigate how these

dynamics shape energy-related consumer behaviour, lifestyles, and

social norms over time. Moreover, in evidence-based communication

interventions, tailored information will be provided to subsets of the

panel members, creating large-scale informed citizen panels. The

insights created here will allow policy makers to better understand public

concerns and preferences in the energy domain, and to apply

communication strategies to optimally empower citizens to implement

informed choices and behaviours

Statut au début
Délai administratif de soutenance de thèse 2029